Through the years we have, as Rotarians accomplished goals to better the community and helped develop further education and leadership of our young students in the Pocono Mountain West School District.
With the help of the community and its businesses we have done exactly what we set out to do.
The Blakeslee Rotary:
Every year we hold multiple fund raising events to help fund all of the things we do for the community. It is your participation that makes it all possible. Please see our events page for upcoming events.
- Donates each year to the food pantry, Little League, Salvation Army And Geisinger Children's Hospital.
- Awards (2) 1500.00 Scholarships each year to High School Graduates
- Awards (2) 6 grade students a 50.00 terMuelen award for leadership
- Gives Atlas' to every 3rd grade student at Tobyhanna Elementary Center
- Sponsored a Student to attend RYLA (Rotary Youth & Leadership Award) Conference
- Helps in disasters such as Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Katrina and the Japan Tsunami.
If you would like to learn more about Blakeslee Rotary and join this exciting group of people that make a difference everyday call or e-mail April Guilherme at 570-817-9058 - blakesleerotary@gmail.com
You can also download membership or Corporate sponsor applications .