Right now the website is in its development stage.   New pages and information are added daily.

There are great benefits to becoming a member of the Blakeslee Rotary Club.  Starting with the benefits the community receives.  The Blakeslee Rotary (formerly Top-O-Pocono)  has accomplished a lot in the last several months:
  • Sponsored Pack 90 Cub Scouts
  • Sponsored Pocono Muntain West Little League
  • Donated to the Eccumenical Council
  • Assited in Road Cleanup
  • Sent Student to RYLA
  • Awarded (2) 1500.00 Scholarships
  • Awared (2) terMuelin Awards & 100.00 gift cards for Leadership
If you would like to to get information on joining the Blakeslee Rotary Club, you can email Chris at blakesleerotary@gmail.com

Please check back often for new information.
